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How To Find Holistic Health Practitioners
Your go-to guide and advice on how to find holistic health and alternative medicine practitioners.
Pilates & Yoga: What’s The Difference?
Yoga is just Pilates with a little bit of meditation and chanting thrown into the mix right? Errr…Wrong! Let us break down the differences in origins, spirituality, postural benefits and stress relief of the two methods.
The Art Of Breathing
An in-depth look at the foundations of breathwork and alignment to the Pilates Principles of the breath.
Simple steps to alleviate anxiety
A few simple suggestions that can help ease the experience of anxiety and bring you back to a calmer, more grounded and present state.
Things I do (mostly) every day for positive mental health
Addressing mental health issues can often seem like a colossal task. These are the small, yet powerfully accumulative, decisions I make (mostly) daily to assist with more positive mental health.
Free Self Care Practices
Simple self-care practices that are powerful, effective and most of importantly free! Because taking care of yourself doesn’t need to cost a thing!
How To Set Intentions
Tips to help you tune in, lead from the heart and set purposeful intentions.
Sound Therapy: What it is, The Uses And Benefits Of Sound Healing
Sound therapy, though long established in ancient healing traditions, has seen a rise in popularity over recent years and is set to be one of the major “wellness” trends for times ahead.
How To Tune In To Your Body
How to tune into the internal communications line between your mind and body while you heighten your awareness and connection to the self.